People for BikesPeople for Bikes

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Biking During COVID-19

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, PeopleForBikes has been hard at work making sure bike riders and the bike industry have the proper tools and resources necessary to navigate these unprecedented times. We created our COVID-19 Industry Resources page to keep the bike industry up-to-date on the latest news at the federal and state levels, host resources to help small businesses navigate the pandemic and share news stories about the increase in bicycling and the resulting bike boom.

PeopleForBikes at Work on Biking During COVID-19


Dulcie Canton became an advocate after she was hit by a car while bicycling.
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All photos courtesy of the City of Fort Collins
All photos courtesy of Gabriela Barillas
Biking in Colorado.
Due to the constantly changing dimensions of the COVID-19 crisis, we encourage you to follow all current CDC guidelines as well as local travel advisories and recommendations. Take care of yourselves and loved ones. We’re all in this together.
Riding an electric bicycle.
Safe cycling is possible during COVID-19.
World Bicycle Day is June 3.
Our friends at the Bike Cooperative help spark a lifelong love of cycling.
As public transportation options diminish, more families will consider biking to school.
Biking safely in 2020.
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Gravel riding is surging in popularity.
A young rider takes a moment to enjoy nature.
The U.S. Capitol Building
Commuters biking in bike lanes.
  • Stories

P.O. Box 2359
Boulder, CO 80306

People for BikesPeople for Bikes

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