People for BikesPeople for Bikes

April 15, 2024

You Can Help Improve Road Safety Across the United States

By: Martina Haggerty, senior director of local innovation

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Your voice matters in shaping federal updates that will prioritize the safety of vulnerable road users, including people who ride bikes.

The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) recently proposed updates to the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), which provides federal funding for states to plan and construct road safety projects, including bike infrastructure. A public comment portal is open until April 22 to voice your opinion about these proposed changes.


Proposed rule changes include:

  • Clarifying that "road users" include people who bike and walk and that their needs should be accounted for in HSIP-funded projects
  • Broadening the perspectives involved in road safety planning to include representatives from public health agencies and underserved communities
  • Creating a new definition for "underserved communities" to ensure HSIP projects are distributed fairly across all communities
  • Requiring states to advance a Safe System Approach, emphasizing comprehensive and holistic safety measures that include safe speeds and safe road design as key pillars
  • Requiring states to conduct system-wide safety risk assessments, including identifying the number of fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads by location and prioritizing HSIP projects based on data to maximize safety

Why it Matters

The proposed revisions to HSIP regulations mark a crucial step forward in prioritizing the safety of vulnerable road users, including people who ride bikes. By clarifying definitions, broadening perspectives, and emphasizing comprehensive safety approaches, these proposed changes can enhance road safety across the country. With an increasing need for sustainable and affordable transportation options along with rising concerns about road safety, these proposed updates come at a critical time. According to newly released data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, deaths and injuries of people walking and biking on U.S. roads continue to rise.

Take Action

Your participation is critical in helping these important updates become reality. By submitting a comment, you can support improved road safety and encourage USDOT to better align the HSIP changes with the Sarah Debbink Langenkamp Active Transportation Safety Act. PeopleForBikes made it easy for you to take action by drafting a comment that you can customize and submit before the April 22 deadline. 


By lending your voice to this cause, you're not just advocating for safer roads — you're actively shaping the future of transportation for generations to come. Together, we can make a lasting impact on road safety across the United States. 

PeopleForBikes advocates for change at the national, state, and local levels to make biking better for everyone and get more people riding bikes more often. Learn more about our policy pillars and work to create more great places to ride through our Great Bike Infrastructure Project

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