Voters Approve $725 Million in Recreation Infrastructure Funds
By: By Kyler Blodgett, PeopleForBikes State and Local Policy Analyst

On November 8, recreational bicycling won big, with several notable measures passing at the local level.
On November 8, 2022, voters across the nation approved dozens of local ballot measures that will help grow recreational biking and trail projects near them. All told, our VoteForBikes campaign tracked more than $725 million in new funding for recreational biking that was passed on local ballots.
A few notable measures from around the country:
- In Cook County, Illinois, voters increased funding by $380 million for the county Forest Preserves, which boast 150 miles of paved trails and 200 miles of unpaved trails for riding.
- Over in Salt Lake City, Utah, voters approved an $80 million public land bond that will provide recreational opportunities and natural area protection, with an emphasis on several bike projects and trails.
- Voters in Douglas County, Colorado, renewed a sales tax that will generate $76 million to fund land and trail acquisitions, as well as park maintenance and operations.
- In Indian River County, Florida, voters supported a $50 million Environmental Land Bond. Money will go towards protecting natural areas and preserving land for outdoor recreation and biking.
- Unofficial results Voters in Cache County, Utah, showed strong support for a $20 million Open Space conservation bond which includes funding for new natural-surface trails and improved connectivity.
Other successful measures include a property tax increase that will generate $100 million in King County, Washington, to protect open space lands and develop trail corridors; an $8 million bond in the Village of Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, New Mexico, for improving parkland and recreational trails; and property tax increase that will generate $13.7 million in Freehold Township, New Jersey for improving parks, trails, and recreational opportunities.
Click here to explore our full VoteForBikes campaign results, which include more details on the measures above and over 40 others that PeopleForBikes has advocated for in 2022, representing nearly $5 million in new approved local ballot-based funding for safer on-street infrastructure, better bike facilities, improved trails and greenways, and more.