Chicago keeps on trucking toward goal of 100 miles of green lanes by 2015
By: PeopleForBikes Staff

In a report released today (PDF), the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) announced that in 2012 it installed and restriped a total of 39 miles of on-street bike facilities throughout Chicago, and has kept pace with Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s plan to install 100 miles of protected green lanes by 2015.
The 39 miles of new or improved bike facilities include 27 miles of protected green lanes, bringing the total number of protected green lanes installed in Chicago since Mayor Emanuel came into office in May 2011 to 30 miles. Chicago’s bikeway network now totals more than 204 miles, according to CDOT.
Chicago is one of the six focus cities of the Green Lane Project, our two-year campaign to catalyze the creation of world-class protected bicycling networks on American streets.
When Mayor Emanuel took office there were no protected bike lanes in Chicago. Now, we are setting a new standard for cycling facilities for other cities to follow, and are a national leader in that effort, said CDOT Commissioner Gabe Klein. We are looking forward to building on our accomplishments and making 2013 another banner year for new bikeways in Chicago.
Chicago’s bike highlights in 2012 include:
- First protected green lanes in the Loop
- First two-way protected green lane in Chicago
- Numerous bicycle-friendly bridge treatments
- First priority bike lane
- Expansion of bike corral parking
- Release of Chicago Streets for Cycling Plan 2020
The opening of the Dearborn Street two-way protected green lane was a landmark moment for Chicago. Dearborn Street marked the first protected green lane in the Loop, the first two-way protected green lane in Chicago, and the first bicycle traffic signals in Chicago. One motor vehicle travel lane was removed to install the protected bike lanes, but by installing a two-way protected lane, CDOT was able to minimize impact to other roadway users?pedestrians, motorists and transit users. supporters in Chicago rallied to fill a petition to build the green lanes in the Loop.
The Dearborn Street project was an exclamation mark for all the bicycle improvements in Chicago in 2012, Klein said. The project garnered positive local and national attention to the efforts of Mayor Emanuel to make Chicago a national leader in bicycling infrastructure.
Stay tuned to to see how green lanes are transforming other U.S. cities.